Starspanner Ship Licenses

Your own Spaceship

A Starspanner Ship License grants the owner one of 3,000 unique hand-modled, algorithmically assembled space ship tokens minted on the Ethereum blockchain.

Your Ship License also allows access to all Starspanner TTRPG books so long you hold it and access to additional perks like Æthercon, Worldspark Tournaments, a video game and more!

Note: 100 ship licenses will be withheld from the sale.
These are for giveaways, rewards and the creators’ memberships.

Ship Viewer

Early Demo v0.12

Ship viewer currently unavailable on table and mobile, come back on PC or once we update! Final version will support mobile and tablet play!

The Plan

What you Get At Mint

3D Spaceship

One of 3,000 unique 3D spaceships complete with weapon loadouts, thrusters, FTL drives, shields and more!

Starspanner Books

As long as you hold your Ship License you get access to all Starspanner TTRPG books that are ever released!

100% Ownership

Each Starspanner Ship License is actually owned by the Æ Foundation trust to enforce your ownership!

Limited Edition Playbook

Captains who mint a Ship License NFT will be able to claim a limited edition softcover physical copy of the Starspanner Playbook.

Our Plan Going Forward


Hold two or more ship licenses or support us with a future project and we’ll be airdropping custom 2D admiral avatars!

Æ Foundation

The Æ Foundation which is a trust and grant oragnization designed to protect the Ship License NFTs and also host grants holders vote on!


Æthercon will be an annual gathering of the Ætherworks community! Anyone who owns as Ship License  will be able to claim a ticket to Æthercon!

Worldspark Tournaments

Compete against your fellow groups to win a chance at altering Starspanner lore and entering history!

Purchase A Ship License

The ship licenses will be available to mint through our website and then for sale across all major token exchanges such as OpenSea.

Ship Specs

Each ship license grants ownership of a single unique and hand-sculpted spaceship that is algorithmically assembled. Each ship is made of components which can alter the phyiscal aspects and structure of the ship.

Some components are rarer than others. Simple deflectors are much less rare than black-globe shields. Some components affect a ships strucure. 

For example:
A ship’s frame class determines it’s size.
The larger the frame, the more hardpoints a ship has.
The more hardpoints it has, the more weapons it has mounted.

A standard fighter frame ship can have two weapons mounted.

A standard captial ship can have thirty-two.

Big difference.

Starspanner (TTRPG)
Tabletop Role playing Game

What is a Tabletop Role-playing Game?

A tabletop role-playing game (abbreviated TTRPG) is a collaborative storytelling game where you and your friends gather around a table (or computers) grab some dice and create a story together. This story is constructed by the GameMaster (GM) who creates and controls the universe and the Players who interact that universe.

What is Starspanner?

Starspanner is one such TTRPG set in the far-future, four billion years in fact, when the Milky Way Galaxy (ours) collides with the Andromeda Galaxy. This creates intergalactic turmoil and is the spark of many Starspanner adventures. When playing the game one can expect to encounter weirld alien species, amazing futuristic tech, metnal abilities known as psionics which border on magic and much more!

Why Should I care?

Starspanner is designed from the ground up to be a fast and fun role-playing system that doesn’t sacrifice depth for ease-of-play. It returns the mystery and intrigue of old school TTRPG systems without the endless ‘crunch’ (gaming term for tons of rules) that slowed down those same systems. In short, it was designed to flow.

With a Starspanner Ship License you have access to all of the books we release that have anything to do with the Starspanner TTRPG.

No exceptions.

The Team

The Starspanner Ship Catalog was created by four friends who wanted to careen ceaselessly into the future and whatever it may hold.

Loves screaming. Sometimes writes. Also web design that is bad.

Former SnakesOnAGame token whale.

Loves watching an engine’s pistons fire, often cries to the sound of a backfiring Ford Taurus. Codes occassionally. Also makes 3D models.

Loves NFTs, Crypto.

Hates work. Sometimes draws, usually punching.

Prestige blockchain coder, notable psychopath. Learned about crypto after surviving a firefight with the IRS. Now they can’t charge him with any crimes, double jeopardy.


Minting BenefitS:

*Click each entry for additional details.


  • 00
  • 00
  • 00
  • 00

Holding Benefits:

*Click each entry for additional details.

Admirals League

Join TODAY to Recieve:

*Click each entry for additional details.

Mint two (2) Ship Licenses


Hold one ship license to game release and purchase an Ætherworks Supporter subscription BEFORE release.

*Click for additional details.






We will begin production of the books by the end of Q4, 2022 and officially wrapping playtesting.

Once the books are printed we will ship them to their respective owners or hold them for pickup if it is more convenient for the owner.

Any merchandise, admiral or otherwise, will be produced and shipped or held with the book according to the supporters wishes.

The Æ Foundation will be organized to provide open wirting contests and organized with cash prizes and publishing/adoption options for winners.

We will build and impliment a voting platform for license holders and Ætherworks subscribers that will allow them to vote on future issues, merchandies, book releases, etc.

Each license will be worth a single vote. An Ætherworks Supporter subscription also confers a vote.

We will create and distribute the Admiral addition PFPs to all admirals for the airdrop.

We want to make sure these look excellent and will delay release to ensure quality if necessary, we want to be upfront about that.

The Ætherworks Circle will be able to vote for the first expansions, supplements, and modules to be created for Starspanner. We want to know what direction the community want us to focus on and develop. All areas will recieve attention in time, we want to let the community dictate the priority of our attention.

The community will also vote on Æthercon guests, merchandise, etc.

We will begin pre-production, stylization, design, scouting and hiring to work on Spacewise Farrago.

We want the game to be excellent and not some rushed monstrosity. We expect a timeline of two to four years to produce the best game we possibly can.

Minters will recieve their free copy no matter how long in the future the game is released.

A Few Planned Expansions

Adventure Modules

The Space Between Seconds: Adventurers make there way through different time periods to correct mistakes and set space-time back on track. All the while they learn about the space between time and the horrors that live there!

Genres: Adventure, Action, Noir

1,000,000 Horizons: The Makhethai have formed a second great Khanate and are on the warpath. Adventurers will be embroiled in space combat

Genres: Combat, Dungeon Crawl


Handbooks of Hazards: Add additional enemies into the game. Each one has a theme such as: Automatons, Cyber-demons, Deep-Space Pirates, etc.

Alien Species Books: Books that add new playable alien species, their lore, monsters, ships, weapons and everything else that comes with adding new major alien species.

Game Extentsions

Career Expansions: Supplements designed to explain, deepen, enhance and reenergize each of the eight careers in Starspanner.

We want to keep improving the ship viewer and enhancing the experience for users.

Considered Improvements:

  • High Definition Textures
  • Additional Animations
  • Ship Builder
  • Ship ID Tagging
  • Ship Customization

As we move towards printing the physical copies of the Starspanner Playbook we want to wrap playtesting and solidify the errata and changes.

Once the mechanics are set we can begin final formatting and printing.

We will need a larger facility to hold 25,000 books as well as produce content in a timely fashion. Part of the proceedings will go towards a facilty to allow us to operate and expand for the foreseeable future.

We will have the funds to purchase artwork from a variety of artists from all over the internet. We have specialists in mind to fill the book with rich artwork and create a centerfold future artists will want to contribute to.

We want the art to be as close to masterwork as it possibly can be, and we want alot of it.

We will begin preparing for the first Æthercon by scouting and securing a venue, setting a date (for sometime in 2023 unless things move very smoothly) and gathering vendors, sponsors and event personnel to ensure an authentic and fulfilling convention experience.

We will use some of the proceeds to audition, vet and hire writers so that we can increase the output of Starspanner books without sacrificing quality.

We have many books planned and want to make good on our promise to continue to expand the starspanner universe for many years to come!

We hire the lawyers and proceed with building the web application to facilitate the formation of the Æ Foundation. We want to try and build the application and utility as quickly as possible to let the community vote as early on as we can.

We will begin recieving print runs of the books and doing quality checks, making sure the bulk production matches the initial samples.

Once we have batches we will begin sending out books or packaging them for holding to be distributed at Æthercon.

We will be having the first Æthercon!

Anyone who is holding a Ship License will recieve a free ticket to Æthercon.

Admirals will be allowed to automatically enter into the WorldSpark tournament.

We will begin planning and subsequent release of the first series of Worldspark adventure modules. The final two adventures in the series will be played live at Æthercon.

The winner will be entered into the book and universal cannon after completing a live-adventure segment unlike anything else ever concieved.

We would like to begin exploring the validity of our unique “proof-of-play” token system.

Ideally we’d be able to create an interlinking community of video games and applications that trade tokens and create wealth for the users while they engage in their use. This will be called the Phlogiston network.